The Red Rose
The Red Rose
With Love
"A bouquet of long-stemmed red roses is a classic symbol of romance, love, beauty, and happiness. It is the ultimate expression of deep true love and has been associated with romance and love since Roman times. For the With Love bouquet, I have used 24 stems of a luscious and beautiful red colour rose. The number 24 means you think of the person 24 hours of the day."
TFC Designer Florist
If you would like to order a larger With Love bouquet, please contact us by WhatsApp or e-mail on your request prior to placing your order.
The Alternative With Love
Whilst keeping to our unique style and design, in place of seasonal blooms from South America, we use flowers and foliage from China, Taiwan or Vietnam for The Alternative With Love. The price of The Alternative With Love is lower because the grower/supplier’s price is lower.